Monday, May 17, 2010

The skinny on ReadingPlus

For my basic reading classes at Leeward Community College, I've had students using ReadingPlus, an online program touted as "a comprehensive evidence based software solution for reading assessment and improvement that develops foundational fluency and increases reading rate and comprehension for students of all ages and skill levels. It is the result of over 70 years of research and development in the area of reading improvement technology." 1

Students in my Eng 8 (Basic Reading and Writing) class were assigned to complete three reading plus Guided Reading lessons per week for twelve weeks (36 total lessons).   Guided Reading is touted to foster"development of basic visual and perceptual processes resulting in ease and comfort, increased reading rates and improved comprehension."   Each guided reading is based on a topic chosen by the student from a portfolio of topics.  Then the student reads an article which might be presented in small chunks, bigger chunks, or as a whole.  Then, the student is presented with 20 multiple-choice questions that pertain to the article.  A typical quided reading lesson took students about 27 minutes to complete.  So if students were to complete the required 36 lessons (only 4 of 35 students did so), then they would need about 16 hours to complete this work or about an hour and twenty minutes per week (for 12 weeks).

Here are some stats from this past semester (Spring 2010--16 weeks).  On average, the 35 students from two sections of Eng 8  averaged
  • 13.2 lessons completed
  • 6.09 total hours to complete lessons
  • 62% on the 20 comprehension questions for each reading
  • 1 word per minute gain in reading rate
Of concern to me is the final item.  Only 1 word per minute gain in rate?  That obviously is not good, so I'm going to have to investigate this.

At the end of the semester, students were given a survey so that they could assess usefulnes of ReadingPlus.  Here are the results (only one of my sections was polled.  N = 12.).  Students were asked to indicate their level of agreement with the following statements with possible response being Strongly Disagree (=1), Disagree (=2), Unsure (=3),  Agree (=4),  Strongly Agree (=5).  The average core for each item is indicated in parentheses.
  1. ReadingPlus has helped me become a better reader.  (3.42)
  2. I understand more of what I read since I have been working with ReadingPlus. (3.5)
  3. ReadingPlus has helped me expand my vocabulary. (3.42)
  4. Reading is easier for me now that I have been working with ReadingPlus. (3.25)
  5. I am a faster reader tan I was before working with ReadingPlus. (3.42)
  6. ReadingPlus activities have been a valuable use of my time. (3.08)
  7. The skills I have gained through ReadingPlus have helped my in my classes. (3.42)
  8. I would recommend ReadingPlus to other students. (3.33)
I have committed to using ReadingPlus again in the coming semester (Fall 2010), but I have to address issues of student buy-in to the program.  Perhaps I will make the completion of a certain number of lessons a requirement for a certain grade.  That is, to earn an A, a student must complete 36 lessons (in addition to completing other requirements of the class).  To earn a B, a student must complete 32 lessons.  We'll see.

Comments and questions are welcome.

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